• Play the bitcoin lottery 🎟️

    Solo mining bitcoin is like having your own personal lottery ticket manufacturing machine that generates tickets every 10 minutes.

  • Learn about blockchain 🎓

    You'll get hands-on experience with blockchain technology, contributing directly to the Bitcoin network.

  • It's just cool 😎

    Show off to your friends that you're running your very own solo bitcoin miner (they'll love the flashing lights).

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  • Highly efficient 🔌

    Our miners are some of the most efficient in the world.

    They cost mere pennies up to just a few dollars every month to run non-stop.

  • Ultra quiet 🤫

    Bitcoin miners are usually VERY loud, however our miners are either completely silent or super quiet.

    They're quiet enough to have in your living room or even your bedroom.

  • Hand built 👷🏽‍♀️

    Unlike mass manufactured miners, our products are hand built in the USA or assembled by hand in New Zealand.

    Or by you, if you'd like to assemble and program your own NerdMiner.


What is solo mining?

Bitcoin solo mining is when you use special computers and software to solve very complex puzzles for a chance to "solve a block" and earn bitcoin.

What do you sell?

We are the exclusive distributors in Australia and New Zealand for some of the most efficient bitcoin miners in the world, including:

  • GekkoScience
  • NerdMiner
  • Bitaxe

What are my chances?

Slim! But the more powerful the miner, the greater your chances, e.g. the chances of winning per day:

  • 1 NerdMiner = ~62 trillion
  • 1 COMPAC-F = 1 in ~13 billion
  • 1 Terminus R909 = 1 in ~1.8 million

How much can I win?

Until the next bitcoin "halving" in April 2024, you could win 6.25 bitcoin which is currently worth hundreds of thousands of Australian or New Zealand dollars.

Which one should I get?

Each of our miners are fairly unique and vary by:

  • price
  • power
  • noise
  • heat
  • form factor
  • standalone vs. requiring a computer

We recommend looking at them all and then getting the one(s) that you like best.

And don't hesitate to contact us with questions.


If you need help deciding which miner to get or if you have any questions, get in touch!